The following are but a few of the millions of dollars worth of Wildlife Conservation, Habitat Preservation, Hunter Education and Advocacy projects funded using proceeds from annual fundraising banquets.
- SPS = Seattle Puget Sound Chapter
- CW = Central Washington Chapter
- NW = Northwest Chapter
- LC = Lewis & Clark Chapter (formerly the Southwest Washington Chapter, more information is being gathered)
- CB = Columbia Basin Chapter (more information is being gathered)
- IE = Inland Empire Chapter (more information is being gathered)
- SPS - Funds for reintroduction of native Pronghorn Antelope in WA State ($191,300)
- SPS - Mountain Goat Population Surveys in WA with WDFW '04, '05 & '06 ($73,150)
- SPS - Funded Grizzly bear study & survey in British Columbia w/ GOABC ($10,000)
- SPS - Wild sheep transplants, vaccinations and radio collars in WA & OR ($39,000)
- SPS - Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep population survey in BC. ($13,000)
- SPS - Funding for DNA testing and cataloging of mountain lions in WA ($42,000)
- SPS - Bighorn Sheep feeding and supplement nutrition project, WA ($3,000)
- SPS - Bear Dog project with the WDFW to aid in handling problem bears. ($9,500)
- SPS - Baja Desert Bighorn Sheep survey, optics and conservation project. ($56,250)
- SPS - Special Government Tag sales funding specie specific game management ($731,950)
- SPS - Donations to SCI National for projects ($182,238)
- SPS - Snyder Fish Hatchery & Olympic Peninsula Guides Assoc.($7,200)
- SPS - SE WA Bighorn Sheep Collar Project '05 ($35,000)
- SPS - Mule Deer Genetic study and survey w/Purdue University ($8,000)
- SPS - Bighorn Sheep Fencing Project ($20,000)
- SPS - Mt. Rainer Elk surveys ($650)
- SPS - Chelan Bighorn Sheep Collar Project '07 ($15,300)
- SPS - Anti-Poaching Deer Decoy for WDFW ($2,000)
- SPS - Wolverine GPS Tracking Project, SE Alaska ($9,900)
- SPS - Seri Indians / Mexico Cooperative Sheep Funding ($85,300)
- SPS - WDFW / Cooperative Wildlife Project Funding ($14,850)
- SPS - WSU Research Funding ($2,000)
- SPS - Hell's Canyon Sheep Capture and Collaring ($5,000)
- SPS - Bighorn Sheep Survey ($10,304)
- SPS - Antelope Reintroduction, Support & Enforcement ($13,300)
- SPS - Wolf Predation Control Support ($2,000)
- SPS - Vulcan Mountain Big Horn Sheep Projects ($11,000)
- SPS - Mountain Goat Relocation Support and Ear Tags ($2,300)
- CW - Salting to keep bighorn sheep off Highway 410 ($2,609)
- CW - Roberts Ranch game bird watering systems and shelters ($8,750)
- CW - Spearheaded the reintroduction of antelope to Washington ($17,000)
- CW - Helped fund Yakama Nation's project to transplant sage grouse from Nevada
- CW - Lion Defense Fund ($1,000)
- CW - Transplant turkeys from Colville Reservation to Yakima Reservation ($1,000)
- CW - Funding for critical deer feed ($1,818)
- CW - University of Alberta black bear study ($2,000)
- CW - Mountain goat survey ($2,995)
- CW - Elk fence gates ($500)
- CW - Paid for construction of animal escape ramp in Roza Canal ($9,541)
- NW - Lion Defense Fund ($5,000)
- NW - Washington Pronghorn Study ($2,000)
- NW - Washington State University Bighorn Sheep Disease Study ($10,000)
- NW - Yakima Nation Sage Grouse Study ($1,000)
- NW - WDFW Wild Sheep Capture ($5,000)
- NW - WDFW Wolf Control Project ($2,000)
- NW - Anti-Poaching Program ($1,200)
- NW - WDFW Governor's Tag Proceeds ($103,930)
Habitat Preservation
- SPS - Tieton, WA 10,400 acre critical range habitat purchase. ($95,000)
- SPS - Asotin Creek, WA critical winter range land acquisition. ($16,000)
- SPS - Tuccannon, WA habitat enhancement with minerals. ($4,100)
- SPS - Umptanum, WA wildlife water guzzler habitat enhancement. ($7,000)
- SPS - Wynoochee River drainage forage enhancement evaluation, WA. ($5,000)
- SPS - LaGrande, OR Ladd March critical rangeland acquisition. ($10,000)
- SPS - WA Pheasant Habitat Projects. ($5,500)
- SPS - Southeast WA Bighorn Sheep Habitat Enhancement ($100,000)
- SPS - Turkey Habitat Preservation ($10,000)
- CW - Support Nature Conservancy ($1,000)
- CW - Funding for Central WA Range Conservancy ($1,000)
- CW - Naneum / Ahtanum land exchange ($1,000)
- CW - Assist RMEF with Wenas Area habitat ($2,500)
- CW - Funding to Selah DU ($1,100)
- SPS - Sponsor Sensory Safari exhibit for education of blind children. ($2,000)
- SPS - Scholarships for boys and girls to the Youth Conservation Corp Camp. ($6,800)
- SPS - Sponsor the South Kitsap ROTC shooting team. ($12,500)
- SPS - Scholarships to the SCI Adult Wilderness leadership School in WY. ($10,000)
- SPS - Scholarships to Hunters Apprentice Program at Indianhead Ranch. ($12,500)
- SPS - Roadside billboard education/advocacy program in WA. ($7,000)
- SPS - Sponsor of Eddie Eagle Firearm safety course in all levels of school. ($2,000)
- SPS - Young people education and conservation awareness in WA. ($22,000)
- SPS - Sponsor JAKES project for NWTF. ($2,500)
- SPS - Sponsor Youth Fishing Day ($500)
- SPS - Bridge River Valley Stewardship Training ($500)
- SPS - Snoqualmie Valley Gun Club Youth Shooter's Program ($4,000)
- SPS - AWLS (American Wilderness Leadership School) Cabin Renovation Project ($1,000)
- CW - Support local teachers to go to American Wilderness Leadership School ($32,750)
- CW - Funding for WA State Conservation Camp ($250)
- CW - Funding for Hunter Education ($300)
- CW - Safari-in-a-Box for schools ($1,539)
- NW - American Wilderness Leadership School (AWLS) ($6,900)
- NW - Washington State School for the Blind - Sensory Safari ($1,600)
Community service
- SPS - Donated over 60 tons of salmon for "Hunters for the Hungry". ($34,000)
- SPS - Hunters Feeding the Hungry Buffalo Meat Donation ($5,000)
- SPS - Hunter access program Selah Butte, WA. ($3,000
- SPS - Wheel chair access for SCI Washington DC building. ($3,000)
- SPS - Motorized wheel chair provided to deserving members and attendees of Convention. ($9,000)
- SPS - Whitetail and Turkey Hunts for Youth and Disabled hunters. ($21,200)
- SPS - Freedom Hunters, Wounded Warrior Sponsorships & Salmon for Soldiers ($4,250)
- SPS - North American Moose Conference Sponsorship ($1,000)
- CW - Provide funding to Selah Claybusters ($1,000)
- CW - Provide funding for equipment for Grand Columbia Council of Boy Scouts ($3,554)
- CW - Sent a ""Blue Bag"" to Africa with medical and school supplies ($148)
- CW - Provided funding for high school archery program ($793)
- CW - White Swan Fire Relief Effort ($1,000)
- CW - Funding for ROTC rifle team ($200)
- CW - Mosquito nets for Africa ($200)
- NW - Youth "Hunt of a Lifetime" ($4,800)
- NW - Disabled Hunter Program ($900)
- NW - Wounded Warriors ($4,300)
Because of the unbelievable support over the years, Washington's SCI Chapters have been able to significantly impact the important conservation programs listed above. Your continued support will insure that many of these programs continue to be funded. Thank you for your important financial contribution to Wildlife Conservation!
hunter advocacy
Safari Club International is the leading voice in the fight to protect our freedom to hunt, both in the United States and internationally. The SCI Hunter Advocacy department is headquartered in Washington, DC, advocating on behalf of SCI members and non-members alike. From staff dedicated to legislation and policy to a team of litigators, SCI Hunter Advocacy is at the forefront of protecting our hunting heritage.
- SPS - Friends of NRA ($12,000)
- SPS - SCI Washington DC building for hunter lobbying and advocacy. ($30,000)
- SPS - Hunters Heritage Council, hunting & fishing lobby in Olympia, WA. ($46,000)
- SPS - Northwest Sport Fishing Industry Association Sponsor 05 & 06. ($10,000)
- SPS - Guide Outfitters Association British Columbia, BC Hunting Lobby. ($38,500)
- SPS - Conservation Force, expand and secure conservation of wildlife ($15,000)
- SPS - Wild Sheep Summit Sponsor ($1,500)
- SPS - Wolf Advisory Group Sponsor ($1,000)
- SPS - Tri-State Wild Sheep Sponsor ($250)
- SPS - Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation ($6,500)
- CW - Funding for World Conservation Force, hunter advocacy worldwide sponsor ($12,000)
- CW - Funding for Hunters Heritage Council ($28,800)
- CW - Funding for Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation ($1,750)
- CW - Public Trust Doctrine ($1,000)
- NW - SCI Foundation ($7,500)
- NW - Conservation Visions ($1,000)
- NW - Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation ($3,250)